Category: Cloud

Posts about Cloud Computing

RVTools Automation

Super Simple RVTools Automation Script

Here is a very simple RVTools Automation script written in PowerShell.  For anyone not familiar with RVTools, it’s a fantastic tool for managing your vSphere environment and available for free by Rob de Vey at RobWare. RVTools is a tool that displays a ton of data about your vSphere environment...

Best Hosted Hypervisor for Home Lab

Best Hosted Hypervisor for Home Lab

Do you want to learn more about new technologies?  Then you need a personal lab.  Let’s review what your options are to install the best hosted hypervisor for your home lab. If you support IT for a living, learning new technologies becomes a big part of your life.  The best...

VMware NSX Overview

Overview of VMware NSX Architecture

VMware NSX Architecture is simply an added product that allows you to install and manage virtual networking and security devices inside your existing VMware cloud.  VMware acquired this technology from Nicira in 2012. This acquisition launched VMware into the software-defined networking (SDN) business and cemented their position as the number...

ESXCLI Troubleshooting COmmands

VMware ESXCLI Troubleshooting Commands

We’ve all been there.  Server is disconnected from the vCenter and you have no idea what happened.  This post will show you the basic ESXCLI troubleshooting commands in order for you to get a handle of the situation and get things back up and working in no time. This post...


How to Create a VMware NFS Datastore

I wanted to provide quick directions to everyone on how to mount a VMware NFS datastore using the vSphere web client 6.x.  This method is very different using the web client and I know I have gotten a lot of questions on how to do it. Before you start, you...


ESXi Scratch Partition – How to Change it?

As you already know, the default location for your VMware logs are on the ESXi scratch partition.  This is temporary space that gets erased after every ESXi reboot and is a poor location to store your log files.  This article will show you why and how you should change it...

Automate Host Performance Reports

PowerCLI Script to Automate Host Performance Reports

Here is a very simple Powercli script for host performance reports.  You can take this script and schedule it on your Windows vCenter to automate host performance reports in your environment.  The script can be run on demand or scheduled and can be customized for any date range.  Small and...

PowerCLI Clone VM

VMware PowerCLI Script to Clone a VM

This is my VMware PowerCLI Clone VM script.   More and more people are building their critical infrastructure servers as virtual machines (VM) these days.  This makes perfect sense and there are many advantages to this approach.  The key is to make sure you are protected and can recover your support...

Hybrid Cloud Image

Public vs Private Cloud, which Right for Your Business?

Public vs private cloud, which is better?  Everyone is either using cloud or will be in the next few years.  Sooner or later, everyone will need to decide if they should use either a private cloud or a public cloud to hold all their data and information.   Clouds come...

PowerCLI Console Window

What is PowerCLI and Why You Need to Use It!

Are you wondering what is PowerCLI?  PowerCLI is a VMware command-line utility to manage VMware environments including ESXi servers and VM’s.  It is an incredibility powerful tool.  PowerCLI provides anyone with a simple means to automate the management of your virtual infrastructure.  PowerCLI allows you to manage your host, guests,...